I really didn't mean to let almost a month pass without posting. Training for the half marathon is over, but this blog isn't! There has been a lot on my mind, so I'll summarize and get into the details later:
- Big gym goal: my trainer really wants to focus on weight loss through the holidays, now that I am not worried about training for the race. This is the original reason I started seeing her and it's time to get back on the wagon. The goal is about 6lbs by January and to NOT go back up into this weight decade once I break into the lower one. That's not a lot of weight, but at this point it requires REALLY following the plan (no added sugar, low sodium, plenty of veggies, NO WINE). We have 15lbs before we stop and figure out what the ultimate goal is. I'll post a day's worth of food to give you an idea of what that looks like.
- Running goal: I have a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. Last year I shaved 2:30 off my 5K time and hope to do as much this year. It's flat and on a dirt road. With the speeds I ran during this past round of training, there is no reason I can't run a sub-30 5K even though my best is still officially 32:20. In practice I've run around a 28:30. The goal is sub 30 but I'll be pretty psyched to run sub 29!
- I miss training for my half. There's a bit of a void where that training was and I'm having an awful time motivating myself for my 5K on my own. It's just not the same! I'm so glad I wrote a thorough race recap so I don't forget anything. I'll add stuff as I remember...like the couple who were a high-5 station. They rocked. Oh, and the reporter at the mile 10 aid station who said, "so these must be the 9 minute milers?" I love that guy. Haha.
- I'll probably blog more about food and random life stuff at this point too.
- I beat my 400m best by 4 seconds with a 1:48! I'm pretty sure I can go faster too, but I'm warding off some hamstring tightness and didn't want to push it.
Also, I redid the blog design, so hopefully you like it!